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    Take Care Tyler..
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    We all love a cup of hot, delicious gourmet coffee. The aromatic mell, the smooth, warming taste - the happy, satisfying feeling your favorite brew gives you: no wonder coffee is the #1 daily beverage of choice
    for most of the people in the world. But what if there was a way to make it
    even better?


    For thousands of years, medicinal mushrooms have been recognized for their incredible power to improve human health, vitality, and longevity. Anyone who researches natural healing understands this important
    discovery. The major hurdle that challenges many health enthusiasts , however,
    is how to find high quality mushroom sources and incorporate them into a
    natural daily diet.

    When new studies were published revealing the exciting new health benefits of drinking coffee, a few companies came up with an interesting idea - why not combine the important healing benefits of mushrooms with the new
    healing and endurance discoveries of natural coffee. This impressive idea
    quickly led to the creation of Ganoderma and reishi mushroom enhanced coffees,with only one major challenge to what seemed a certain path to success: the taste. These initial mushroom coffees lacked the rich, full-bodied experience of a delicious home brew, and instead left people dissatisfied with the watered down blandness of an average instant coffee or worse, the bitterness commonly
    associated with REISHI mushrooms.


    It seemed, for a time, that coffee that was good for you would never taste like good Coffee to you.Until JavaFit came along - Intent on creating a truly healthy coffee, WITHOUT sacrificing that delicious full bodied taste, we created Java Impact - the first and only premium organic gourmet brewed coffee
    that has all the health benefits of a potent mushroom blend with all the flavor
    and taste you'd expect from a truly gourmet coffee.


    This is because Java Impact is unlike any other coffee you have ever tried... We begin with the finest green certified organic Arabica coffee beans, grown in nutrient-rich soil on natural farms without the use of
    pesticides, artificial fertilizers or other chemicals. We then take these
    premium organic beans and hand roast them in small batches to perfection.


    After roasting, our organic coffee beans are then infused with a healthy full spectrum extract of 14 beneficial organic mushrooms - making our natural coffee the only gourmet blend on the market with such a full
    range of complete mushroom benefits, including the potent immune enhancing
    benefits of beta glucans.

    In addition, all 14 mushroom extracts are organically grown under strictly controlled conditions in North America for the highest potency and purity.

    Our mushroom extract is also alkaline based which, as many are now discovering, counteracts the harmful effects of acidity and provides a healthy living environment for your cells.


    The customer feedback is absolutely amazing, with reports of increased energy, elevated moods, enhanced immunity and stamina; reduced stress and weight-loss. We are also hearing comments like: "it made me feel
    great!" . "It made me feel like I can tackle anything!",
    "It gave me a beautiful sense of calm and well-being" and even some
    calling it "happy coffee!"


    We can guarantee; this is the most impact full cup of coffee you will ever experience which is why we call it Java Impact! Because the coffee tastes so good and is so good for you, it practically sells itself,earning you quick money as well as longer term financial gains. In fact, we are so proud of Java Impact and our powerful JavFit Home Business model that we have made it our personal mission to share this unique coffee opportunity with people all over the Globe and would love to have you join our team.


    We invite you to become a part of that special mission. Help yourself and positively impact others lives.. And because Java Impact is a certified Fair Trade coffee - helping to support environmental sustainability and today's hard-working farmers, you will be making an impact all over the world


    With our amazing new coffee, Java Impact, making money couldn't be any easier. It's time for you to try the best coffee on Earth for yourself - and share this unique life-changing opportunity with those you care

    We also have the market with our category Gourmet Functional Coffee

    Diet Plus 62
    Energy 62
    Immune Plus
    Focus Plus

    If that wasn't enough take a look at our Healthy Fair-Trade Organic Blends. Caffeinated as well as a Swiss Water Decaf

    If you’re not interested in a Money Making Home Based Business
    And just
    Want to buy wholesale? Go to the Join tab and become a
    Preferred Customer

    Edna Yates
    Join Our Winning Team
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___ Launch Price..And You Can Get Thousands Of It For Free!

Hi There!Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system…

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Mastery Retreats will pay you $1500 per referral!

Do you know any successful and established business owners such as good old-fashioned “brick-and-mortar” business owners, Internet marketers or direct response marketers? If so, that I want to pay you $1500 per referral you make. Here’s what I mean by that... Mastery Retreats,has send  notice to emails  recently about their  high-end mastermind group. Well, you can make $1,500 per person that you refer to us that becomes a member! Not too shabby, right? click here to check out the Mastery…

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The New Pain Tech Revolution Industry.......

Well, You can Believe in this.... ], I do believe in this Very New Technology that is going to Revolutionize The Pain Relief Industry. This has to be The Best Product that I have  ever seen since The creation of  The Asprin for fever and pain.  A friend of mine called me up and asked me to drop by his house Because he had something to show me. I arrived at his home later and he showed me His new arm band that he was wearing-It had BA on it and had 2 hologram circles encased on 2 sides of of…

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