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Safelist Advertising WORKS! Get 20,000 AD Credits FREE When you join!



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  • Thank you Margaret.
  • I just joined this New Site it's really different and unique.
    Take it a look it was recommended by Jane Mark and I fInd that whatever she touches turns GOLD.

    SuperListExplode works simply. This boosts response for all members program/websites. Your email list will be built for you.

    Everyday we get new subscribers and if you view at least 5 member advertisements in one day, ** you get all the day's subscribers added to your email list** and you can advertise your program/website to it.

    So you will see your email list suddenly explode like kernels of popcorn - and it's all FR EE!

    Join now and get all of today's subscribers before they are GONE.

  • Good Sunday evening! I just have a few minutes to let you all know about an INCREDIBLE software I've stumbled upon. Everyone knows traffic to your site is the name of the game. Do yourself a favor and check out this site. If you would like to add the affiliates of all the major players online to your list, sites like google, amazon, clickbank, yahoo, etc. then pay close attention! There are actually two different aspects here. One, is a Free affiliate account that can pay you thousands a month! Not bad, but the actual software will blow your mind. Check it out here http://www.realestategotostore.com . Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Ralph
  • Hello all, thx for the invite and hope we all can become freinds. I'm a member of world profit but have not finished boot camp yet, got my nose into other things. lol good luck all.
  • 1400 Articles Archive

    An archive of 1400 pre-written articles you can use to post to blogs, some forums, articles websites and the like. Be sure to add your affiliate URL http://www.revolutionarymatrix.com/jrox.php?uid=eva2009_1_aaid_2 to the bottom of all the articles you use or the landing page you're using pointing to your hosting account to increase maximum effectiveness of this archive.

    Please, do not give these articles out as a whole archive to anyone not within the program.

    Download Archive


  • Good Morning My Friends

    This is the most Awesome Business I have Ever been involved with!
    And it's taking off like Wildfire!

    EZ Wealth Solution is HUGE!

    But don't take my word for it! Please Join my team for our live webcasts.
    These Training webcasts are three days a week to help you succeed!
    To attend please go to the link below and
    take the tour!

    Go Watch the Video Now!

    Click the link or copy and paste into your Browser:


    Remember, This business creates Wealth and I'll pay your way in to start at level one!
    (Thats a $47.00 Dollar Value)
    After you become a reseller it's only $10.00 per month for your site. Everyone can afford
    $10.00 a month!
    Listen, One of my associates has made over $44,000 dollars in less
    than 2 months, and he's just warming up!

    I'm really excited about this! EZ Wealth Solution is HUGE! & the response has been PHENOMENAL!

    Our training will get you off on the right foot and I'm always her to answer your questions.

    Here are the Webcast details:

    TIME: 9AM-10AM PT / 10AM-11AM MT /
    11AM-12PM CT / 12PM-1PM ET


    To Receive your free pass go and watch the video presentation.

    You'll be hooked and there is no obligation AT ALL!

    Some Members are raking in over $20,000 Dollars a month!

    If your Tired of Failing online... Join us and Learn how to

    make this work for YOU !


    Standing by!

    Ralph F. Arcamone Jr.
  • What is the free exploding list?

    SuperListExplode works simply. This boosts response for all members program/websites. Your email list will be built for you.

    Everyday we get new subscribers and if you view at least 5 member advertisements in one day, ** you get all the day's subscribers added to your email list** and you can advertise your program/website to it.

    So you will see your email list suddenly explode like kernels of popcorn - and it's all FR EE!

    Join now and get all of today's subscribers before they are GONE.
    Click Here ==> Get Your Explosive List Now!

    Thank you,
    ,Arnljot Blindheim
  • Many offer for making money and I'm very interested

    Adrian's blog will do something with the best information that provides useful and popular, and find solutions on adrian's blog. My blogging in adria…
  • As I said in my bio I would like to give you the Honest pros and cons of a Internet business
     that I am involved in from the inside Looking out , as I see them

    Today Im talking about a program called Zero 2 Riches

    Working from home on the Internet is a very challenging Job.
    As you know you have to:

            1 Advertise, This can get very expensive and or time consuming
    I have found that advertising in safelist and traffic exchanges is very responsive with this program,
    in fact better than any programs I have seen. However the fact that you are advertising Zero start up cost
    you tend to get people that have been burnt on the Internet before and though they sign up right away many
    are reluctant to get started or spend any money. Also If the recruit is from outside of the United States or Canada
    they have to start at Step 2 and that is a program they will have to pay to join. However they can still built a massive
     downline quickly that start at step 1 ( those from the United States or Canada ) who start for free are very motivated
     to move up the steps under him to make more money, making him more money.
    Im finding that only about 20% start advertising and making money right away.
    Also the pre written promotional material is limited and you will probably want to supply this for them in the beginning.
    However I find that the 20% ratio is much better then most programs and the recruits come much faster and easier
    then any business I've seen
            2 Diversify, to create wealth you need multiple income steams
    This is the brilliant feature of this program, Zero 2 Riches starts you making money with no out of pocket cost
    that allows you to leverage into 9 other paid programs that also make you money while only advertising Zero 2 Riches
    Your recruit is motivated to spend his earned money to move up the steps bringing his downline with him.
    Can you imagine 200 of your people spread out over 10 paying programs all of them making you money and
    bringing more recruits.
    The draw back is getting them to complete their trail offers in step 1. This is where their free money is made
    to start but some people are afraid they will get ripped off or that the trail will not cancel leaving them
    with debt they don't want.  I personally don't know anyone who followed the simple instructions that
     had any problems at all. Step one is the biggest hurtle, I found it easy.
    This is where some of your people will stall. 

            3 Offer inexpensive value
    , marketers today measure cost against gain before committing
    Remember you will get recruits that are leery and people who don't want to spend  but do want to earn.
    some that don't understand that advertising will most surely cost money or time. also those who cant start at
    step 1 while have to invest

    I feel I have told you the honest pros and cons of this programs and their obstacles.
    Let me know your views and suggestions. Overall I feel I have found away to create wealth that will satisfy all of these demands.
    A program that can be free to join with incredible growth potential.

    Despite its problems I do recommend looking at it
    Can you imagine only having to promote one program that allows you to leverage yourself into 10 wealth
    producing programs on the Internet, while bringing all of your referrals up with you thru 10 income
    right behind you.

    Here is the ad Im using

    YOU have got to see this

    Make Money with Zero Cash Start Up Cost!

    Would you like to START making money without ANY start up cost?

    Then you have found it!

    Free $40 Payments to you over and over are leveraged into HIGHER Paying Programs

    >> FREE Training

    >>100% Daily Pay-Outs

    >>Step by Step Video Tutorials

    Contrary to what you have heard and believed it doesn't take money to make money

    See For Yourself to watch the video click here
  • Hello my Friend,

    Add me As Friend if you want!

    Here's what I Have for you... In 2009!

    #1. Instant Amazing Business Opportunity,you keep 100% from

    everything you bring in!

    #2. Our great team, offer You and Your affiliates Free Live Training

    3 days a week.

    Here's what I want you to do!

    #3. Take the free tour, watch everything. It will take about 30 minutes

    of your time, because I want to give you as much information as possible

    and the information is vital for you, so you can take a wise decision!

    by the way.. when was the last time someone gave you $47

    for watching a 30 minute video in real life?

    A Video that might change your life!!( this is real believe me.)

    Ok - I know... if I were You, I'id be wondering too!!

    Take The Free Tour ===>Here's The True Story Of What's Really

    Happening - How This Proven System Works,

    And How You can Put It To Work for You.. Act Upon it Today!

    Here's what I want you to do next!

    #4. After you have watched the video, and signed up ,

    I will give you the link to our Live Training, you have never seen

    anything like this! I'm Exited and I'm sure you will be too!


    ...Arnljot Blindheim

    P.S Benefit From This Right NOW!
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___ Launch Price..And You Can Get Thousands Of It For Free!

Hi There!Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once it's ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join - so better to join early). Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. There's nothing to lose but if this payment system…

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Mastery Retreats will pay you $1500 per referral!

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The New Pain Tech Revolution Industry.......

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