Tell us about your business or interests.
I have been involved with a home based business for 2 years. I have worked in the accounting field. Also worked as a drug and alcohol counselor. My passion growing up was playing the trumpet and played in several bands.
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You Will Get A 100% FREE Spot In Our Powerline & A Back Office If You Take The Free Tour Right Now! I know some of you are wondering why and how they are able to pay out so much money and the reason is because they don't really need to put in any money into their marketing. That is what we are for and by saving so much money they are able to pass these savings onto us. If your not sure what I mean Google any marketing company a real one and see how much they charge you to market a world wide business and how much it cost each month for online marketing and offline marketing I'm sure most of you will step back and see that is more than you had thought. Plus we are making the sales for the company!
Take the free tour now
The reason why I chose to do this home business is first of all the products really work as you can see in my other video. The second reason why is because the Pay Plan. The third reason why is because our team is extremely helpful to anyone no matter if your a big player or someone who is new to home business we treat everyone single one the same and answer your questions as fast as you can ask them. I also picked this business because I like having a real product that I can hold in my hand and sell it offline or online very easily. I'm sure you will find it some what hard to sell an all digital product offline and lastly I joined this business because not only are home based business professionals buying the product, but consumers buy them as well and that is how you know you have a great home business to be in while consumers are actual buying the product line, if you don't believe me just look them up on eBay by searching skinny fiber or ageless and you will see how well they really sell! Keep in mind most people who sell on eBay buy bulk orders so they are able to sell at a low cost, but you don't need to rely on just eBay to make sales you can sell it any where you would like to, if you decide you are not ready for bulk orders!
Now if you are serious about being in a real home business that has a real product I suggest you take the free tour at:
You are also welcomed to follow me on my blog at:
I hope this has helped you in your deciding which home business is the right fit for you, but if this is the right one for you act now because our matrix closes on every Thursday and shows on Sunday, so you may want to lock in your spot in the powerline before anyone else!
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I see you are a Silver Package Member so you can use your Affiliate Center software included in your package to add banners to your site. We included some free ones for you to use in your member area, or you can add you own for any other programs you are involved with. Put small square banners on the right hand columns, and put large wide banners at the base of your page to preserve the formatting.
Your package also includes the World Banner Exchange so you can also use that, instructions are within the program in your member area. If you require any other assistance with this just submit a Tech Support form request from within your Member area and a team member will help you further.
Sandi Hunter
Home Business Experts since 1994
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