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  • 3668791374?profile=original


    Reminder of Home Business Bootcamp Training LIVE with George Kosch on Friday July 22nd at 10 AM CT.


    If you want to learn to earn from home attend this online interactive training session.



    Worldprofit Website Hosting & Affiliate Marketing Training
    Worldprofit is a Home Business & Affiliate Marketing program that includes over 100 software tools that various levels of members have access to. Fre…
  • 3668791065?profile=original


    It's hard to believe but not a day goes by in my job at Bootcamp Instructor that I don’t see someone “getting in their own way” and preventing success. Or to put it more bluntly, not making their first nickel!

    Here are the signs you are one of these people. This is based on support issues about the training program this week alone!

    1. You find yourself focused and working hard each say on making your Facebook page look fabulous. Your blog is something out of heaven! It’s beautiful! You post articles every single day and sit back just waiting for that traffic to arrive. Many of you do this but here’s the problem.

    - Your ad tracker shows me you have 5 clicks yesterday and a whopping 12 so far today. As a matter of fact, your weekly total clicks is a miserable and pathetic 175! You put in a ticket asking about how to make huge commissions and get some money out of all the hard work (see para above) you have put into the “training program”.

    Solution: You have done work but not the right kind of work. You spend time on have those “Pretty Sites”, you have the best looking and well oiled machine out there... but you forgot to


    When you wake up, say this to yourself - “I need 1000 clicks today! I need 1000 clicks today!!! I will send the ads in the ad examples area to at least 15 safelists and not question the training ever again”

    Today, not tomorrow, you need 1000 clicks. I can name these Dealers but I think they know who they are. They have been in the program for over 4 months in most cases and have the best blog/facebook/tumblr sites you can find. Their Silver/Platinum site is so pretty. But they have made NO real money!

    2. You started the program within the last month and find you are a bit confused and want to talk to your sponsor. You have asked the monitors on duty if you could just get a phone number for George Kosch. YOU MUST talk to someone. You need “one on one” help!

    Your ad tracker is almost 0 but you don’t know that because you have never looked. You did watch the bootcamp video but like water off a duck’s back, it just never took.

    Finally, you filled out a support form and that George Kosch keeps sending back one line responses with “Just do the marketing! I need you to post to 12 safelists and 5 exchanges using the ad examples!” He then has the gall to order me to report that I have at least 200 or more clicks today... etc.

    Solution: You are in a delicate state right now. You are new and learning. Each day MUST end with

    => How many clicks did I get in the ad tracker?
    => How many safelists and exchanges did I market in?
    => How many Associates did I bring in?

    Here is what you are doing and thinking that is most likely getting in your way to success:

    - you are needing to speak with someone
    - you can’t understand how running ads in safelists are going to work
    - you have to understand the entire system before you start

    Finally, you thought you could make money in a more passive way!

    Make the change today, not tomorrow. Send example ads out to 12 safelists and 5 exchanges and earn credits in them for at minimum 1 hour per day.

    Final notes:

    1. Don’t be this person: “I gotta get my traffic injections! I must get them or it’s over! I’ll spend all day and night agonizing over this issue until it’s fixed! This is why it’s not working.”

    Ad Tracker: 85 - 150 clicks per day (Yikes!)

    2. Don’t be this person: “I am not making many sales so how about we get more products to sell George? Or perhaps I can come up with some really expensive packages and just sell them?”

    Ad Tracker: 14 clicks per day average

    3. Don’t be this person: “I sent in a message to support George and you basically ignored my question and didn’t read it thoroughly. You just sent me the order to market the ad examples to the safelists and exchanges and get on with it” You then told me after the 5th support reply, “George, you are not understanding the problem here, I can’t get on with it until you pay attention to my personal need for more one on one. I have issues that need to be resolved. I have called my sponsor and their sponsor and they keep telling me to fill out a support form”

    See the pattern?

    These people are in THEIR OWN WAY!!!

    Thanks and hope you re watch my first bootcamp video and the extras under Training in the top menu of the Dealer area. 1000 clicks today right!!!???


    Sandi's Tips

    This ONE Word is Today's Tip

    Today's Tip is a simple one designed to get your new year off to a GREAT start.

    If you plan to succeed with any type of online business, do this.

    Write one word on a sticky note and stick it to your fridge, on your computer screen, or your desk.

    That one word is.....


    Make PROMOTING your business your DAILY Activity.

    Now get out your calendar, write one word on each month of your calendar

    That one word is...


    Now go the following website and sign up for a Reminder Service (it's free)
    This system will send you DAILY, or WEEKLY, or MONTHLY reminders.
    Enter your name and email address.
    Make your Subject Line something like "HEY! Don't forget to PROMOTE today"
    In the Message Body, include something clever to give yourself a little push every time the reminder lands in your inbox.
    Example: "HEY! Remember to PROMOTE. Promotion is the fuel my business needs EVERY DAY to generate leads, traffic and sales."
    By the way you can use this reminder system to remind yourself of just about anything!

    Ok now one last thing. What are you going to do when you are done reading this tip?
    Go start promoting your business!

    We make it easy for Worldprofit members to do this.
    Everything you need is in your Member area, look on left menu under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC.

    Then follow the posted Bootcamp instructions and watch the weekly LIVE and Recorded Training Sessions with George Kosch

    ~George Kosch, Worldprofit Home Business Bootcamp Instructor,

  • Get free 100 points ($100) form Zeek Rewards.
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    Perpetual Cash Generators
    Welcome to my blog. Currently I work as a translator and have been doing this work for more than 15 years. I enjoy my work, but I need to earn much m…
  • 6 NEW PLR Products just added today June 21st! 

    In case you missed them we also added 5 new products on June 10th

    To access these login to your Worldprofit Member area, on TOP MENU click on PLR STORE/VAULT

    REMEMBER ! ALL Silver and Platinum VIP Members get these products FREE for personal use!

    If you are a Platinum Member you can also sell them in your PLR Store.


    Worldprofit: The Online Home Business Experts at

    Worldprofit Website Hosting & Affiliate Marketing Training
    Worldprofit is a Home Business & Affiliate Marketing program that includes over 100 software tools that various levels of members have access to. Fre…
  • Reminder!

    Today is home business bootcamp training with George Kosch from Worldprofit Inc.

    June 17th at 10 AM CT.

    Beginner and Advanced Sessions today.

    Go to  to access this free training.


    If you want to learn to earn at home take advantage of this training from industry leader, Worldprofit Inc. 

    Worldprofit Website Hosting & Affiliate Marketing Training
    Worldprofit is a Home Business & Affiliate Marketing program that includes over 100 software tools that various levels of members have access to. Fre…
  • 3668791065?profile=original


    Learn to earn from home!

    Come to today's Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch.

    TODAY Friday June 10th at 10 AM CT is LIVE HOME BUSINESS BOOTCAMP TRAINING with marketing and tech wizard, George Kosch.

    George Kosch is the Technical Director at Worldprofit Inc. He is also a successful online entrepreneur ready to show you EXACTLY what to do to profit online.

    In this interactive 90+ MINUTES of training George will be showing you how to use the Tools in your Worldprofit Membership. This training is VITAL to your marketing success and it's free for Worldprofit Silver and Platinum members.

    Who should attend?

    -anyone eager to learn how to earn money online using proven effective strategies
    -anyone new to Worldprofit ready to get started and who has questions
    -anyone who is looking for guidance on how to generate more leads and SALES!
    -anyone wondering how to use the tools in the Advertising/Traffic portion of your Member area
    -anyone who wants to know how to make as much money as possible with their online business.
    -anyone frustrated with online business who needs help, support, training and tested and true strategies

    YOU should attend!

    George Kosch will be revealing the many sources of income possible by following the Worldprofit home business system and how to profitably use the tools and resources we provide to you.

    If you are willing to learn George is ready to teach you! (George Kosch is a former Canadian Military Jet Fighter Instructor so he knows a thing or two about teaching). Warning: George doesn't like excuses so be prepared to learn then work hard!

    Date: TODAY Friday June 10, 2011 at 10 AM CT

    If you are NOT already a Worldprofit free Member go to to get a free Associate membership.

    If you ARE already a Worldprofit Silver or Platinum Member, login to your Worldprofit Member area (left menu click on Millionaire Bootcamp then on "Live Training"

    Whatever you do, ATTEND THIS TRAINING!  

    Worldprofit Website Hosting & Affiliate Marketing Training
    Worldprofit is a Home Business & Affiliate Marketing program that includes over 100 software tools that various levels of members have access to. Fre…
  • Review: Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp Training with Marketing Expert, George Kosch May 27, 2011.

    The Beginner's session of the Bootcamp Training was devoted to Worldprofit newcomers. George covered a number of the basics of the Worldprofit Home Business Training System.

    George focused on helping new Members understand the Worldprofit home business system complete with diagrams and examples.

    On screen,  George demonstrated how and why to promote the Landing pages and to which places to get results.  Recognizing that many people are new to building an online business so he devoted time to explaining terms, safelists, traffic exchanges, advertising, and the process and purpose of signing up Associate members.  The Ad Tracker program was overviewed to demonstrate for new Members, the power and importance of this tool that provides intelligence on your advertising efforts.  The Report Card was explained so that Members can also use this tool to track their own progress to see areas of focus.  The Report card is an individual report specific to each member and is a valuable tool to assess your progress in our program.

    George pointed out some of the most important sections of the member area that new Members should be aware and spend some time reviewing.  George revealed an unbelievable but true fact;  a number of people purchase a Membership with Worldprofit and then NEVER actually start the online bootcamp training.    George answered a common question from newbies: "Why am I getting all these clicks and no signups?"  George provided some critical advise and realistic expectations on legitimate advertising, then took additional questions from participants on a number of topics.

    For those Members who have been in the Worldprofit program for at least a month and have a solid basic understanding, those Members can access the SEO Tool Kit.  This section of the Member area is very advanced and incorporates a number of extremely powerful tools and resources for increasing search engine ranking and improved indexing.     Again this should only be pursued by more advanced or experienced Members in our program. Search engine optimization is not a sprint, it is a marathon taking time, and consistent effort.
    The Advanced Training session was an OPEN question forum.  Participants were asked to pose any question on any topic related to the Worldprofit system or online marketing and business programs.  For Members not at the LIVE training today, the best way to get value from the session today, is to watch the recorded version.

    George Kosch is both the Bootcamp Instructor and the Technical Director at Worldprofit Inc.

    Worldprofit: The Online Home Business Experts since 1994
    Worldprofit Website Hosting & Affiliate Marketing Training
    Worldprofit is a Home Business & Affiliate Marketing program that includes over 100 software tools that various levels of members have access to. Fre…
  • 3668791237?profile=original

    Worldprofit Dealer Training TODAY with Dr. Jeffrey Lant


    ALL Worldprofit Dealers be sure to attend.

    Sat May 28 at 1 pm Central.

    Access is within your Worldprofit Member area.

    Make it a point to attend all dealer meetings!

    Want to be a Monitor and reap all the advantages?

    Then BE SURE to attend this meeting!

    Dr. Lant tells insider secrets of successful marketers! Be there and learn.

    This ongoing training is for you - take advantage! 


    Worldprofit: The Online Home Business Experts   

    Worldprofit Website Hosting & Affiliate Marketing Training
    Worldprofit is a Home Business & Affiliate Marketing program that includes over 100 software tools that various levels of members have access to. Fre…
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Best Opportunity

Work from Home- Best Online Business Opportunity Instant Payment Paypal,Payza,Egopay,PM,STP,Bitcoin1.a) Turn a one time $1.50 payment into $166,931 1.b) Turn $2 into $4,728 1.c) Turn $5 into $15,764 1.d) Turn $2 into $547,948 2)Turn $ 2.5 into $ 150,000 3} Turn $5 into $1,995 4) Turn $5 into $242,000 5) Turn $9 into $600,000 6)…

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