How To Make Your Ads Memorable

Advertising is one of those tricky tactics. Unless you can test and track your advertisement, it’s hard to know if they’re successful. Online advertising, as opposed to newspaper, print, radio and television advertising, is much easier to test and track, which means you can use the ads that generate results and get rid of the rest. However, another facet of advertising is to build brand awareness and to accomplish that, your ads need to be memorable. Here are a few strategies to make your ads memorable.#1 Tap into your prospects emotions. Advertisements that make your prospects feel strongly are advertisements that will be memorable. Common emotions are pride, anger, envy, joy, laughter (people often remember funny advertisements for years to come and they talk about them with their friends, family and co-workers). If your advertisement can make your prospect feel strongly then they’re more likely to remember it, which is exactly what you want to create front of mind awareness.#2 Create a memorable slogan. Slogans are more than catch lines to motivate people to take action, they can become part of the collective conscious. Think about slogans you know or grew up with. Melts in your hands not in your mouth. Just do it. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Don’t squeeze the Charmin. The list could go on and on.Slogans are about more than creating a memorable sentence however, they must also convey the benefit. Your Slogan is the “Headline” for Your Business. It informs your prospects, in a few quick words, what you want them to know or remember about your business. They also help create a mental image.#3 Images can help make an advertisement memorable. Particularly if the images are shocking, funny, or moving. The images will also want to be relatable to your business. And branding, or consistent images, slogans, logos and colors can help brand your business, which helps make advertisements memorable.Testing and tracking, as mentioned in the beginning, will help you determine the success of your advertisement, particularly if you remember to include some sort of call to action. However there’s no real test to evaluate its ability to be memorable. When an advertisement is memorable, it may go viral meaning lots of people will start sharing your ad, talking about it, and linking to it. This is a good indication you’ve achieved your goals.Combine, the three tactics, images, slogan and emotions, into an ad campaign and you’re well on your way to creating a memorable ad and enhancing your brand image, website traffic and ultimately your profits.Thanks for reading!Michael Camirepratbirdman@gmail.comFollow me on Twitter:> me on Facebook:> Me:> PratbirdmanMy Blog:> 10,000 Products To Select From:> Mass Article Control goes live in 7 daysto a LIMITED number of people before thesite is taken down. Mass Article Control is justTOO POWERFUL and they'd be irresponsible peopleto saturate the market with too many users hencethe limited qty.WATCH THE cRAzY VIDEO PROOF NOW...==>

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